Google wave, what is it?

After a quick look at Google Wave(tm), it appears to be a meld of a bulletin board, and e-mail. You create content (text etc…), and invite people to read/comment/update it. Looks a bit odd, but it may just be the future, and traditional e-mail may be consigned to the bin.

RedHat emerging technology projects

Having been pointed at the DeltaCloud API ( by, I found it was a RedHat emerging technology project, and had a look at the website to see what else was “emerging”, I think you’ll find a couple of interesting technology projects there, including the oVirt Open Virtual Machine Management Web application, which looks really …


filter_var() in PHP

PHP’s FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL validates email addresses quickly and easily. <?php $email = “”; if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === FALSE) { echo $email.” is invalid”; } else { echo $email.” is valid”; } ?> Read it all at